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Northern Lite - Letters and Signs, Pt. Two (2010)
vom: 05.08.2010
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Northern_Lite-Letters_and_Signs_Part_Two-(UNACD006)-WEB-2010-SHELTER [img(width=316 height=60)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img] [img(width=280 height=78)]links/images/hflogo.png[/img] [img(width=275 height=86)]links/images/zslogo.png[/img]
Ü ÄßßÄ SHELTER ÄßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÄ Ü ßÜ ß²ß ß²ß Üß Û³° °³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ artist....: Northern Lite ³Û Û³ album.....: Letters & Signs - Part Two ³Û Û³ type......: WEB ³Û Û³ genre.....: Electronic ³Û Û³ style.....: New Wave, Synth-pop, Indie ³Û Û³ label.....: Una Music ³Û Û³ catalognr.: UNACD006 ³Û Û³ url.......: ³Û Û³ 2011.01.03 ³Û Û³ 2010.07.30 ³Û Û³ source....: WEB > MP3 ³Û Û³ grabber...: Unknown ³Û Û³ encoder...: Lame 3.98 ³Û Û³ quality...: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo ³Û Û³ tracks....: 10 ³Û Û³ size......: 95,41 MB ³Û Û³ length....: 41:40 ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ tRACkliSt ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ 01. In Japan 06:00 ³Û Û³ 02. Wicked Mess 04:33 ³Û Û³ 03. Run (feat. Chapeau Claque) 03:15 ³Û Û³ 04. Home 04:06 ³Û Û³ 05. Say My Name 03:40 ³Û Û³ 06. Begging You (feat. Chapeau Claque) 03:20 ³Û Û³ 07. Turn Up the Bass 03:11 ³Û Û³ 08. We All Must 05:38 ³Û Û³ 09. Honey Bee 05:00 ³Û Û³ 10. Let Yourself Go 02:57 ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ total time: 41:40 ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ RElEASE NOtES ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ When the solar winds blow charged particles into the ³Û Û³ earth's atmosphere, bizarre light phenomena occur, ³Û Û³ but only north of the 60th degree of latitude. At ³Û Û³ least that's what was still considered common ³Û Û³ knowledge in the last millennium. Since then views ³Û Û³ have changed, we now know that the most impressive ³Û Û³ illuminations come into being under the nocturnal ³Û Û³ skies of the beautiful city of Erfurt. Which is the ³Û Û³ hometown of Northern Lite. ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ In their twelfth year of firing electro meteors into ³Û Û³ the firmament, their radiating power has become a ³Û Û³ household name both nationally and internationally. ³Û Û³ Five studio albums, a hundred thousand spectators at ³Û Û³ their latest "Super Black" tour and remixes for the ³Û Û³ likes of Rammstein ("Rosenrot"), Yello ("Planet ³Û Û³ Dada") or Peaches ("Set It Off") speak for ³Û Û³ themselves. Their cover of Queens of The Stone Age ³Û Û³ ,Go With The Flow" is a sure fire show-stopper. ³Û Û³ Northern Lite were honoured with the Dance Music ³Û Û³ Award in the category "Best Indie/Electronic Artist" ³Û Û³ and left their mark at the otherwise somewhat ³Û Û³ monochrome "Bundesvision Song Contest". "Letters & ³Û Û³ Signs", their 6th album, is being released now, after³Û Û³ to excursions into the world of major labels ³Û Û³ ("Unisex" and "Super Black") they're back to ³Û Û³ independent. And that's just the first part, ,Letters³Û Û³ & Signs - Part Two" is coming early next year. ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ Northern Lite have created their own genre. Back ³Û Û³ when heavy current and microchip electronics were ³Û Û³ considered strict enemies, they managed to smuggle ³Û Û³ vinyl cases of neo-techno-beats into the guitar camp.³Û Û³ Consequently Andreas Kubat and Sebastian Bohn proved,³Û Û³ that electronic music and classic song writing don't ³Û Û³ necessarily exclude each other. Thus the step from ³Û Û³ being a producer two-piece to performing as a real ³Û Û³ band was a small one. The guitar players Frithjof ³Û Û³ R"del and Valerian Herdam are by now a fixed part of ³Û Û³ the regular line-up. Terms like electronic indie, ³Û Û³ rocking electro pop and indietronic have become a ³Û Û³ fine repertoire of contemporary pop music vocabulary.³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ "Letters & Signs" continues to play that game open ³Û Û³ minded. The title track, which is released as an ³Û Û³ advance single, melts hymnic melodies, driving ³Û Û³ guitars and synthesizer sweeps into an energetic ³Û Û³ amalgam. "I grope in the dark / I can't find my mark ³Û Û³ / I touch and I feel / but nothing is real" - great ³Û Û³ pop lyrics that deal with the feeling of ³Û Û³ disorientation in a maelstrom of hieroglyphs, while ³Û Û³ trying to realign. And so the leitmotif is set: a ³Û Û³ precisely defined song structure, carefully arranged ³Û Û³ as a counterpoint to confusing emotions. ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ The tension between social regulations and the inner ³Û Û³ workings of the individual has been the subject of ³Û Û³ the oeuvre of many philosophers and poets. One of the³Û Û³ greatest among them was William Blake. With "The Sick³Û Û³ Rose" and "Land Of Dreams" Northern Lite have worked ³Û Û³ two of his poems into songs - dark, techno-ish, but ³Û Û³ full of hope. ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ "Letters & Signs" is a statement. Northern Lite have ³Û Û³ told the major label "farewell". Kubat says: "It was ³Û Û³ a trial. But we are very happy to have gained back ³Û Û³ full artistic control." This shows when listening to ³Û Û³ "Letters & Signs". Most different influences are ³Û Û³ thrown in the mix, with the result being one of ³Û Û³ liberated creative forces. The ten songs were ³Û Û³ produced by Kubat and Northern Lite themselves and ³Û Û³ mixed by Philipp Hoppen, who has been twisting the ³Û Û³ knobs for "Die Žrzte" or the "Beatsteaks", amongst ³Û Û³ others. ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ "Letters & Signs - Part One" so far is the peak of ³Û Û³ Northern Lite's musical development. The second part,³Û Û³ which is due in spring 2010, is still in the making. ³Û Û³ It will shift the focus from song-oriented structures³Û Û³ to club-oriented sounds - less guitars, more ³Û Û³ electricity. With a straight self-confidence they ³Û Û³ walk between the pools - between fiction and reality,³Û Û³ happiness and despair, light and darkness. Wondering ³Û Û³ what kind of land it really is, this land of dreams? ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ Store: ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ - support the artist, buy the original! - ³Û Û³ ³Û Û³ ÜßßÜÜÜ ³Û ² ²ÛÛ²Ü ³Û °³ ÜÛÜ ÜܲÛÛÛÛÛ²²ßÞÛÛÛ² ÜÜÜÜÜ ~ 2o!CRO ³² ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ° ÛÛ²ß ß²ÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ° Ûß Û ß ° ÛÛÛ²ß ß²Û²²ÛÛ²ßÜ ²ÛÛÝ Ü ÞÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÛ ° ÛÜÜ ÜÜܲÛÛÛÛÛ²ßßÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ°ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÛ ßßßß ÞÛÛÛ ß²Û² ÜÛÜ ßÛÛ²ß ß²ÛÛ Ü Ü²ÛßßÛÛ²Û² °ÛÛ ßß ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßß²ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛܲÛÛÛ °ÛÛÜÛÜ ² ܲßÛÛÛÝ Ü ÞÛÛ ²°ÛÛÛ °ÛÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ°ÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛ ÜßßÜ Ü ÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ²Û ° Û ÛÛÛ ßßßß Þ²ÛÛÛ Ü²ÛÛß ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛÛ ÞÝ ßßß ÜÜßß²ÜÜܲßß ÛÜ ÜÛ ßß²ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛ ÜܲßßßßÛÛ± ßÛ ßßßÛ²ÜÜÜß ß ßß² Ü ÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛ ß° ÞÛ³ ß ° ßßß ÜܲÛÛÛ ß²³ ß° ±² ßßÜ ±³ ³² ±³ six a.m. corporate media machine doesnt stop ³² ±³ talking about just another war somewhere. neon ³² ±³ sunrise crushing through grey clouds. industrial ³² ±³ wasteland. dry burned eyes mirroring white lines. ³² ±³ in front of this machine for hours now. was it ³² ±³ days? caffeine, nicotine, amphetamine. getting ³² ±³ stats up. trans atlantic glide. ice cold ³² ±³ technology versus the weakness of the human flesh. ³² ±³ digital deconstruction. ³² ±³ ³² ±³ we love this game and salute everybody who ³² ±³ is there since the glory days of the baud. ³² ±³ ³² ±³ ³² ±³ SHELTER - NEOTOKYO HAGAKURE SHOWDOWN 2012 ³² °³ ³° ³³ ³³ ÙÀÄÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÄÙÀ
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