Einzelne Songs
Stratovarius - Eternal (Limited Edition) (2015)
vom: 18.09.2015
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Stratovarius_-_Eternal-Ltd.Ed._Digipak-2015-MCA_int [img(width=316 height=60)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img] [img(width=275 height=86)]links/images/zslogo.png[/img]
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Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Notes Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Artist : Stratovarius Rating : You Decide! Ί ³ ³Ί Album : Eternal Label : EAR Music Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΉ ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Description : Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Drastic changes often make us humans leave our Ί ³ ³Ί comfort zone and can even result in catastrophic Ί ³ ³Ί scenarios. When we talk about music, this can be Ί ³ ³Ί traumatizing not only for a band, but also its Ί ³ ³Ί fans. Not many acts out there can reinvent Ί ³ ³Ί themselves or maintain quality after said Ί ³ ³Ί changes, especially when they lose a key member. Ί ³ ³Ί Sometimes, though, this can be the best thing Ί ³ ³Ί that could happen. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί From a critical point of view, we can separate Ί ³ ³Ί Stratovarius extensive career into four eras: Ί ³ ³Ί In the first era, from its creation in 1985 to Ί ³ ³Ί 1994, we could see a more direct-driven Ί ³ ³Ί Stratovarius, performing power metal that had Ί ³ ³Ί less symphonic elements and a more classical Ί ³ ³Ί approach. The second one, from 1995 to 2000 Ί ³ ³Ί (and, to some extent, until 2003), featured what Ί ³ ³Ί I like to call their golden era, with a lot of Ί ³ ³Ί keyboards, powerful vocals and melodic anthems Ί ³ ³Ί that helped shape European power metal in the Ί ³ ³Ί 1990s and put the genre and the band on the Ί ³ ³Ί map. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί The third era, though, was marked by a lost and Ί ³ ³Ί confused Timo Tolkki, who started to digress Ί ³ ³Ί into a completely different approach to his Ί ³ ³Ί music, resulting in the horrible self-titled Ί ³ ³Ί album of 2005 and the near-implosion of the Ί ³ ³Ί group after it. With that being said, following Ί ³ ³Ί Tolkkis departure, longtime fans were worried Ί ³ ³Ί if the band would get back on their feet or just Ί ³ ³Ί throw the towel and close shop. Luckily, Timo Ί ³ ³Ί Kotipelto and Jens Johansson chose the first Ί ³ ³Ί option. Taking control of the songwriting and Ί ³ ³Ί creative departments, the two gentlemen Ί ³ ³Ί recruited Matias Kupiainen and started the Ί ³ ³Ί fourth (and current) era for the band with Ί ³ ³Ί Polaris, a solid album, and their best since Ί ³ ³Ί Destiny way back in 1998. This new Ί ³ ³Ί Stratovarius would then be recognized as a more Ί ³ ³Ί mature and centered band, with slightly Ί ³ ³Ί different arrangements to their songs and with Ί ³ ³Ί darker, more melancholic lyrics. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί All of this brings us to the release of Ί ³ ³Ί Eternal, the 16th full length by the group and Ί ³ ³Ί the fourth in this new era. Kotipelto (vocals), Ί ³ ³Ί Johansson (keyboards), Kupiainen (guitars), Ί ³ ³Ί Lauri Porra (bass) and Rolf Pilve (drums) offers Ί ³ ³Ί us a logical follow-up to Nemesis music-wise, Ί ³ ³Ί featuring all the elements from the new Ί ³ ³Ί Stratovarius that we learned to love, a couple Ί ³ ³Ί of nostalgic arrangements here and there, and Ί ³ ³Ί even some Cains Offering influences on some Ί ³ ³Ί parts. The album starts with My Eternal Dream, Ί ³ ³Ί a characteristic tune with a strong chorus, fast Ί ³ ³Ί pace and lots of keyboards. Shine in the Dark Ί ³ ³Ί is presented as one of the more melodic songs of Ί ³ ³Ί the album and explicitly shows the Cains Ί ³ ³Ί Offering influence mentioned above. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Allied to those unfortunately are the two Ί ³ ³Ί weakest songs in the album, Lost Without a Ί ³ ³Ί Trace and Fire in Your Eyes, the latter being Ί ³ ³Ί a poor excuse for a ballad by a band that excels Ί ³ ³Ί on slow songs, as seen before on Forever, Ί ³ ³Ί 4000 Rainy Nights, Years Go By and even Ί ³ ³Ί When Mountains Fall. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Aside from those two, songs like Rise Above Ί ³ ³Ί It, Feeding the Fire and In My Line of Work Ί ³ ³Ί all have plenty of good arrangements and Ί ³ ³Ί showcase what we expect from Stratovarius: Ί ³ ³Ί catchy tunes, plenty of energy, and mesmerizing Ί ³ ³Ί solos, which should definitely satisfy the Ί ³ ³Ί listener. The highlights of the album, however, Ί ³ ³Ί are the great Man in the Mirror and the Ί ³ ³Ί grandiose Lost Saga, an 11-minute opus filled Ί ³ ³Ί with cool riffs and a respectable performance by Ί ³ ³Ί Kotipelto, who by the way is sounding more Ί ³ ³Ί powerful than he has been in a long time. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί All in all, returning fans and casual listeners Ί ³ ³Ί alike should enjoy Eternal almost in its Ί ³ ³Ί entirety, as it is not overly melodic or trying Ί ³ ³Ί to reinvent the wheel, instead relying on solid Ί ³ ³Ί performances and down-to-earth songwriting. Ί ³ ³Ί Oddly enough, it also relies heavily on a Ί ³ ³Ί tried-and-true formula, so it doesnt actually Ί ³ ³Ί put anything new on the table, which can be a Ί ³ ³Ί downside. For me, though, this is a worthy entry Ί ³ ³Ί in their already rich discography, and although Ί ³ ³Ί not strong enough to rank among the greats such Ί ³ ³Ί as Visions, Episode, Destiny, Dreamspace Ί ³ ³Ί and even Nemesis, it has definitely earned a Ί ³ ³Ί place in the second-tier Stratovarius albums, Ί ³ ³Ί alongside Elysium, Infinite and Fright Ί ³ ³Ί Night. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Timo Kotipelto - Vocals Ί ³ ³Ί Matias Kupiainen - Guitars Ί ³ ³Ί Jens Johansson - Keyboards Ί ³ ³Ί Lauri Porra - Bass Ί ³ ³Ί Rolf Pilve - Drums Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Tracklist Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ ³ ³ 01 - My Eternal Dream [06:04] ³ ³ 02 - Shine In The Dark [05:05] ³ ³ 03 - Rise Above It [04:26] ³ ³ 04 - Lost Without A Trace [05:28] ³ ³ 05 - Feeding The Fire [04:12] ³ ³ 06 - In My Line Of Work [04:19] ³ ³ 07 - Man In The Mirror [04:43] ³ ³ 08 - Few Are Those [04:11] ³ ³ 09 - Fire In Your Eyes [04:15] ³ ³ 10 - The Lost Saga [11:39] ³ ³ ³ ³ Total Length : [54:22 minn ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ άάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάά ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³ Ί Greetings To: Ί ³ ³ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ Too all people who contributes to make this ³ ³ archive of good music in a exceptional conditions ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ώ ώ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ
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