Einzelne Songs
Slayer - Repentless (Limited Edition) (2015)
vom: 02.10.2015
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Slayer_-_Repentless-Ltd.Ed._Digipak-2015-MCA_int [img(width=316 height=60)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img]
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Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Notes Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Artist : Slayer Rating : You Decide! Ί ³ ³Ί Album : Repentless Label : Nuclear Blast Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΉ ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Description : Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί The loss of Jeff Hanneman in 2013 was Ί ³ ³Ί devastating to the music world. The riffs he Ί ³ ³Ί crafted with Slayer helped form an entire genre. Ί ³ ³Ί Thrash took all the energy and rebellion of Iron Ί ³ ³Ί Maiden and Judas Priest and channeled it into Ί ³ ³Ί pure rage. Furious riffs and merciless double Ί ³ ³Ί bass drums set the world ablaze, and Slayer, Ί ³ ³Ί along with Metallica, Anthrax, and Megadeth, Ί ³ ³Ί found themselves at the forefront. Thirty-two Ί ³ ³Ί years into their career, they found enough rage Ί ³ ³Ί to record 10 albums and become rock gods in the Ί ³ ³Ί eyes of metal fans across the world. And then, Ί ³ ³Ί in the midst of writing their 11th album, Ί ³ ³Ί Hanneman died of liver failure. The band would Ί ³ ³Ί continue, but it wouldnt be the same. After 30 Ί ³ ³Ί years, it would literally be like starting Ί ³ ³Ί over, said vocalist/bassist Tom Araya in an Ί ³ ³Ί interview with Blabbermouth. To move forward Ί ³ ³Ί without Jeff just wouldnt be the same, and Im Ί ³ ³Ί not sure the fans would be so accepting of that Ί ³ ³Ί drastic a change. Willing to accept it or not, Ί ³ ³Ί fans and curious listeners alike are about to be Ί ³ ³Ί on the receiving end of one hell of an assault. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Not wanting to lose momentum, they brought on Ί ³ ³Ί Gary Holt, the guitarist for Exodus and one of Ί ³ ³Ί Hannemans longtime friends, to play opposite Ί ³ ³Ί Kerry King. They also welcomed the return of Ί ³ ³Ί drummer Paul Bostaph for the third time after Ί ³ ³Ί Dave Lombardos firing in 2013. Along with Ί ³ ³Ί producer Terry Date, the band went into the Ί ³ ³Ί studio in January of 2014, ready with two fully Ί ³ ³Ί recorded tracks and one partially written song Ί ³ ³Ί left behind by Hanneman, and just let loose all Ί ³ ³Ί the fury and frustration against the Ί ³ ³Ί circumstances that nearly ended Slayer as we Ί ³ ³Ί know it. The result, Repentless, is an album Ί ³ ³Ί with a title thats made up, but everyone Ί ³ ³Ί understands, according to Araya, and a cover so Ί ³ ³Ί blasphemous it could only have come from Slayer. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί King and Holts riffs are fierce and unforgiving Ί ³ ³Ί throughout, and their steel-clad partnership Ί ³ ³Ί carries the entire album. Take Control begins Ί ³ ³Ί blisteringly fast, and the song is kept Ί ³ ³Ί precisely on track with each and every tempo Ί ³ ³Ί shift by their masterful guitar work. You Ί ³ ³Ί Against You features a pair of wildfire solos Ί ³ ³Ί that set the album alight. Bostaphs 12-year Ί ³ ³Ί absence is easily forgotten as he helms the Ί ³ ³Ί drums with a stunning level of skill. His Ί ³ ³Ί shining moment arrives early in the album on Ί ³ ³Ί Cast the First Stone, which finds him Ί ³ ³Ί seamlessly shifting between a dominant barrage Ί ³ ³Ί of double bass and hi-hats to marching along Ί ³ ³Ί with every step of King and Holts riffs. Ί ³ ³Ί Arayas vocals, while having gained some gruff Ί ³ ³Ί with age, still underline the unbridled Ί ³ ³Ί misanthropic rage that has fueled the band all Ί ³ ³Ί these years. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί The incendiary wrath on display here, so Ί ³ ³Ί unapologetic and infectious, makes this album Ί ³ ³Ί undoubtedly Slayers. Vices celebrates Ί ³ ³Ί violence as humanitys greatest release; A Ί ³ ³Ί little violence is the ultimate drug/ Lets get Ί ³ ³Ί high, Araya notes. Lines like these are the Ί ³ ³Ί reason Slayer is beloved. Frustration with a Ί ³ ³Ί world rife with injustice can become so Ί ³ ³Ί overwhelming (especially if we lose a friend too Ί ³ ³Ί soon, as the band laments on the poignant Ί ³ ³Ί Chasing Death) that sometimes expressing our Ί ³ ³Ί innate aggression is the only way to find Ί ³ ³Ί release. We find our inner beasts in the riffs Ί ³ ³Ί and the drums and the primal screams and the Ί ³ ³Ί thrash itself, even if its just for 40 minutes Ί ³ ³Ί at a time. Here, we can let loose with little Ί ³ ³Ί intention to apologize. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Tom Araya - Vocals, Bass Ί ³ ³Ί Kerry King - Guitars Ί ³ ³Ί Paul Bostaph - Drums Ί ³ ³Ί Gary Holt - Guitars Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Tracklist Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ ³ ³ 01 - Delusions of Saviour [01:55] ³ ³ 02 - Repentless [03:20] ³ ³ 03 - Take Control [03:14] ³ ³ 04 - Vices [03:32] ³ ³ 05 - Cast the First Stone [03:43] ³ ³ 06 - When the Stillness Comes [04:21] ³ ³ 07 - Chasing Death [03:45] ³ ³ 08 - Implode [03:49] ³ ³ 09 - Piano Wire [02:49] ³ ³ 10 - Atrocity Vendor [02:55] ³ ³ 11 - You Against You [04:21] ³ ³ 12 - Pride in Prejudice [04:14] ³ ³ ³ ³ Total Length : [41:58 minn ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ άάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάά ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³ Ί Greetings To: Ί ³ ³ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ Too all people who contributes to make this ³ ³ archive of good music in a exceptional conditions ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ώ ώ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ
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