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Saxon - Battering Ram (2015)
vom: 14.11.2015
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Saxon_-_Battering_Ram-Digipak-2015-MCA_int [img(width=316 height=60)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img] [img(width=275 height=86)]links/images/zslogo.png[/img]
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Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Notes Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Artist : Saxon Rating : You Decide! Ί ³ ³Ί Album : Battering Ram Label : UDR Music Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΉ ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Description : Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί The first, released in 1979. The last in 2013. Ί ³ ³Ί Battering Ram is number 21. An incredibly Ί ³ ³Ί impressing number. Saxon's latest effort has Ί ³ ³Ί been hyped up these last days and has finally Ί ³ ³Ί arrived. Often when reading a review of a Saxon Ί ³ ³Ί album they are praises for staying so true to Ί ³ ³Ί themselves; always releasing the same high Ί ³ ³Ί quality metal, no matter what's trending. At the Ί ³ ³Ί same time, other bands of the same class, like Ί ³ ³Ί Priest and Maiden, receive loads of hate for not Ί ³ ³Ί trying to emulate thirty year old hits. (And Ί ³ ³Ί when they do try, they get hate for that, too.) Ί ³ ³Ί To me, it's kind of the opposite. It's a lot Ί ³ ³Ί more interesting to listen to a band who dares Ί ³ ³Ί to try new stuff. I think that's why Saxon Ί ³ ³Ί hasn't reached the same level as the above Ί ³ ³Ί mentioned Priest and Maiden in my book, although Ί ³ ³Ί I still consider myself a devoted fan. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί With that said, I won't say Saxon's style is Ί ³ ³Ί anything to talk bad of. I probably actually Ί ³ ³Ί fall into the first category of reviewers as Ί ³ ³Ί well as the second. Ever since the seventies and Ί ³ ³Ί through 2015 (and with no sign of slowing down!) Ί ³ ³Ί Saxon has released 21 fucking albums formed by Ί ³ ³Ί the same tough, classic heavy metal, showing Ί ³ ³Ί genuine love for the music they play. In that Ί ³ ³Ί category, Saxon and Motorhead stand Ί ³ ³Ί unthreatened. When it comes to "modern" Saxon, I Ί ³ ³Ί think their sound peaked around The Inner Ί ³ ³Ί Sanctum (2007) and Into The Labyrinth (2009), Ί ³ ³Ί while latest effort Sacrifice (2013) showed a Ί ³ ³Ί grayer, more dull side to the band's sound. And Ί ³ ³Ί so I'm pleasantly surprised to start up Ί ³ ³Ί Battering Ram, and being met by a more full, Ί ³ ³Ί darker sound. It feels more modern in its Ί ³ ³Ί production than its predecessor. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Biff Byford and his unique style hasn't Ί ³ ³Ί deteriorated in the least. He's as reliable as Ί ³ ³Ί ever before and delivers every syllable with Ί ³ ³Ί style and the authority befitting one of heavy Ί ³ ³Ί metal's titans. Screamingly tough in 'Eye Of The Ί ³ ³Ί Storm' to classic heavy metal shouts in opening Ί ³ ³Ί title track shows a man who shows no sign of Ί ³ ³Ί getting tired. 'Queen Of Hearts' shows an Ί ³ ³Ί effective verse, with an almost hypnotic Ί ³ ³Ί performance by Byford. It doesn't however quite Ί ³ ³Ί deliver in the chorus, but gets repetitive. Ί ³ ³Ί Nigel Glockler's solid drumming is perfectly Ί ³ ³Ί produced to show his tight and well trimmed Ί ³ ³Ί style. His rhythm section in the fast, Ί ³ ³Ί aggressive 'Destroyer' is perfect. And at the Ί ³ ³Ί same time Byford makes one of the best vocal Ί ³ ³Ί deliveries on the album. The entire album is Ί ³ ³Ί filled with inspired riffs and well performed Ί ³ ³Ί hooks, incredible deliveries and an overall Ί ³ ³Ί surprisingly well polished sound befitting the Ί ³ ³Ί modern Saxon. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Paul Quinn and Doug Scarratt trades solos and Ί ³ ³Ί keep trying to one-up the other time and again. Ί ³ ³Ί It feels like every song has a new treasure to Ί ³ ³Ί offer from the two guitarists. The speed metal Ί ³ ³Ί solo of the 'The Devil's Footprint' (one of the Ί ³ ³Ί album's highlights) both rocks and gives a dark, Ί ³ ³Ί cozy atmosphere at the same time. A few of the Ί ³ ³Ί songs do feel like betting on the safe horse. Ί ³ ³Ί 'Hard And Fast', for example, rocks some great Ί ³ ³Ί solos but fails to deliver in full like other Ί ³ ³Ί songs do. But it isn't just solos that the Ί ³ ³Ί guitarist's deliver with great accuracy. A few Ί ³ ³Ί of the riffs shows to be some of modern Saxon's Ί ³ ³Ί greatest, as well as some leads. 'Top Of The Ί ³ ³Ί World' is probably the album's weakest song, Ί ³ ³Ί feeling like a 'Conquistador' junior (the Ί ³ ³Ί original is from Metalhead (1999)), but still Ί ³ ³Ί manages to deliver an incredible lead guitar Ί ³ ³Ί part and a riff in the middle that just makes me Ί ³ ³Ί happy.s Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί For some reason I find myself trying to find Ί ³ ³Ί something about Battering Ram to complain about. Ί ³ ³Ί Something to point at and say, "why the fuck did Ί ³ ³Ί they do that?" But I can't. Not even the ballad Ί ³ ³Ί (something which has never been Saxon's best Ί ³ ³Ί side), 'Kingdom Of The Cross' manages to fail. Ί ³ ³Ί It's calm and easy, with soothing guitars and a Ί ³ ³Ί spoken voice breaking Byfords almost menacing Ί ³ ³Ί voice, and it leads the album close to its end. Ί ³ ³Ί The best ones on Battering Ram are easily Quinn Ί ³ ³Ί and Scarratt, and - of course - Byford. If I Ί ³ ³Ί have ever doubted, that doubt is long gone by Ί ³ ³Ί now. No one will be able to dislike this album Ί ³ ³Ί (but I'm guessing some will complain anyway). I Ί ³ ³Ί won't hesitate to say Battering Ram might soon Ί ³ ³Ί find its place among Saxon's greatest albums in Ί ³ ³Ί my collection. Actually, I'm not sure what Ί ³ ³Ί surprises me most. The upswing since (not bad, Ί ³ ³Ί but) somewhat tame Sacrifice or that it's Ί ³ ³Ί possible for Saxon to sound so fucking inspired Ί ³ ³Ί after 21 albums, like they were as young and Ί ³ ³Ί hungry as on Crusader (1986). Of course, Ί ³ ³Ί Sacrifice did have something Battering Ram Ί ³ ³Ί doesn't. The fuck ugly song title 'Standing In A Ί ³ ³Ί Queue'. That's probably it. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Standout tracks: Battering Ram, The Devil's Ί ³ ³Ί Footpring, Destoyer, Eye Of The Storm Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Biff Byford - Vocals Ί ³ ³Ί Nigel Glockler - Drums Ί ³ ³Ί Nibbs Carter - Bass Ί ³ ³Ί Doug Scarratt - Guitars Ί ³ ³Ί Paul Quinn - Guitars Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Tracklist Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ ³ ³ 01 - battering ram [04:52] ³ ³ 02 - the devil's footprint [04:10] ³ ³ 03 - queen of hearts [05:08] ³ ³ 04 - destroyer [03:21] ³ ³ 05 - hard and fast [04:46] ³ ³ 06 - eye of the storm [03:55] ³ ³ 07 - stand your ground [04:16] ³ ³ 08 - top of the world [04:02] ³ ³ 09 - to the end [05:51] ³ ³ 10 - kingdom of the cross [06:08] ³ ³ 11 - three sheets to the wind (the drinking son [03:54] ³ ³ ³ ³ Total Length : [50:23 minn ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ άάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάά ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³ Ί Greetings To: Ί ³ ³ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ Too all people who contributes to make this ³ ³ archive of good music in a exceptional conditions ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ώ ώ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ
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