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Primal Fear - 16.6 (Before The Devil Knows You're Dead) (Japan) (2009)
vom: 27.01.2016
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Primal_Fear_-_16.6_Before_the_Devil_Knows_Youre_Dead_(Jap._Ed.)-2009-MCA_int [img(width=316 height=60)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img] [img(width=280 height=78)]links/images/hflogo.png[/img]
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Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Notes Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Artist : Primal Fear Rating : You Decide! Ί ³ ³Ί Album : 16.6 Label : Frontiers Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΉ ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Description : Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Germanys own Primal Fear, one of the bigger and Ί ³ ³Ί well known power metal bands, holds us in Ί ³ ³Ί anticipation with their newest serving of Ί ³ ³Ί ferocious European power metal; entitled 16.6 Ί ³ ³Ί (Before The Devil Knows Youre Dead). This new Ί ³ ³Ί album will be Primal Fears 8th full-length Ί ³ ³Ί release, and their second with Frontiers Ί ³ ³Ί Records. 16.6 also marks the first album with Ί ³ ³Ί new guitarist Magnus Karlsson (Allen/Lande, ex- Ί ³ ³Ί Last Tribe), after long-time guitarist with the Ί ³ ³Ί band, Stefan Leibing decided that it was his Ί ³ ³Ί time to move on. Leibing had been with Primal Ί ³ ³Ί Fear since their 2nd album, Jaws Of Death. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί The first subtle signs of the bands reinvention Ί ³ ³Ί occurred with 2004s Devils Ground, while Ί ³ ³Ί further progression covered 2005s Seven Seals. Ί ³ ³Ί Experimentation on a few tracks came into play Ί ³ ³Ί on that album, while more tentative changes Ί ³ ³Ί occurred again with 2007s New Religion, Ί ³ ³Ί including combining female vocals with Ralf Ί ³ ³Ί Scheepers on one track; and a few more Ί ³ ³Ί experimental tracks, some of which missed the Ί ³ ³Ί mark. Although most fans felt that New Religion Ί ³ ³Ί was the bands first slip in quality and Ί ³ ³Ί inspiration, the album ultimately received mixed Ί ³ ³Ί reviews. It seemed that the band wanted to sound Ί ³ ³Ί more chiseled, well-rounded, mature, emotional Ί ³ ³Ί and in-depth; seeking to get out from underneath Ί ³ ³Ί the Judas Priest clone-band label which some Ί ³ ³Ί fragments of the metal media had pinned on them. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί So now, the latest Primal Fear release has Ί ³ ³Ί arrived and many will be asking the question; Ί ³ ³Ί will they return to their early 2000s glory, or Ί ³ ³Ί will 16.6 continue the bands current musical Ί ³ ³Ί trend of recent years? Primal Fear may not have Ί ³ ³Ί gotten the balance right between their direction Ί ³ ³Ί of progression and old-school on New Religion, Ί ³ ³Ί but they damn sure have on the new album, 16.6. Ί ³ ³Ί This time round, the German Metal Commandos have Ί ³ ³Ί got it right, with an excellent blend of current Ί ³ ³Ί progression into what they want to be; and their Ί ³ ³Ί classic old-school sound. This album sounds and Ί ³ ³Ί feels like the band were much more confident and Ί ³ ³Ί sure of themselves with this material, than they Ί ³ ³Ί were with the last album. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί A dark intro starts things off, building up to Ί ³ ³Ί the opening track Riding The Eagle. The track is Ί ³ ³Ί a great Primal Fear opener, speedy and melodic, Ί ³ ³Ί with a catchy chorus. Ralf sounds stronger than Ί ³ ³Ί ever as he charismatically belts out the tunes. Ί ³ ³Ί In fact, throughout the whole album, Ralf never Ί ³ ³Ί breaks out the insanely high pitched shrieks Ί ³ ³Ί (ala Sign Of Fear style), seemingly more Ί ³ ³Ί comfortable to sing at his mid-high pitched Ί ³ ³Ί vocals for the majority of the release. Ralf Ί ³ ³Ί also sings with a lot more melody and conviction Ί ³ ³Ί on 16.6, putting to rest any rumours that his Ί ³ ³Ί voice may be faulting after all these years Ί ³ ³Ί behind the mic. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Primal Fear rip out some awesome old-school Ί ³ ³Ί sounding tracks, including Killbound, which Ί ³ ³Ί could have slotted in perfectly on Primal Fears Ί ³ ³Ί debut album. Smith And Wesson is another classic Ί ³ ³Ί sounding track, but with an obvious Sinner Ί ³ ³Ί influence; while The Exorcist is a ripping old- Ί ³ ³Ί school balls-to-the-wall track, full of power Ί ³ ³Ί and speed and is easily one of the best on the Ί ³ ³Ί CD. Soar is an interesting and quite peculiar Ί ³ ³Ί track. Aside from being very good and catchy, it Ί ³ ³Ί also contains portions of industrial metal Ί ³ ³Ί guitar riffs, similar in sound to bands like The Ί ³ ³Ί Tea Party and Korn. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Six Times Dead is another brilliant track on Ί ³ ³Ί 16.6, containing a super-charged heavy stomping Ί ³ ³Ί beat and riff which just keeps your head banging Ί ³ ³Ί for the entire song. The semi power ballad No Ί ³ ³Ί Smoke Without Fire is another standout, quite Ί ³ ³Ί emotional, strong and sung very well by Ί ³ ³Ί Scheepers. Lastly, another experimental track, Ί ³ ³Ί Black Rain is quite epic and sophisticated, Ί ³ ³Ί while the album closer, Hands Of Time is another Ί ³ ³Ί soulful ballad, with the vocals being shared by Ί ³ ³Ί four members of the band. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί From the beginning of 16.6 to the end, it is Ί ³ ³Ί obvious that Primal Fear have now confidently Ί ³ ³Ί found their sound and structure that they have Ί ³ ³Ί been working on for the last few albums. In an Ί ³ ³Ί excellent return to form, every track is Ί ³ ³Ί forceful, meaningful and wonderfully Ί ³ ³Ί constructed; blending the best of classic Primal Ί ³ ³Ί Fear with the arrangements and insights of their Ί ³ ³Ί current progression. This release may have been Ί ³ ³Ί a few albums in the making, but it is all Ί ³ ³Ί definitely worth the wait. 16.6 is not another Ί ³ ³Ί Nuclear Fire, Black Sun or Jaws Of Death, and Ί ³ ³Ί neither should it be as the band has moved on Ί ³ ³Ί and improved from that era. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί All Primal Fears fans should go out and get this Ί ³ ³Ί without hesitation; while power/traditional Ί ³ ³Ί metal fans will also thoroughly enjoy what 16.6 Ί ³ ³Ί has to offer. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Tracklist Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ ³ ³ 01 - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead [00:49] ³ ³ 02 - Riding the Eagle [04:59] ³ ³ 03 - Six Times Dead (16.6) [04:00] ³ ³ 04 - Black Rain [06:07] ³ ³ 05 - Under the Radar [05:25] ³ ³ 06 - 5.0,torn [07:14] ³ ³ 07 - Soar [04:17] ³ ³ 08 - Killbound [04:13] ³ ³ 09 - No Smoke Without A Fire [04:52] ³ ³ 10 - Night After Night [05:01] ³ ³ 11 - Smith & Wesson [04:45] ³ ³ 12 - The Exorcist [04:47] ³ ³ 13 - Hands of Time [04:20] ³ ³ 14 - No Smoke Without A Fire (Remix) [03:40] ³ ³ ³ ³ Total Length : [64:29 minn ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ άάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάά ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³ Ί Greetings To: Ί ³ ³ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ Too all people who contributes to make this ³ ³ archive of good music in a exceptional conditions ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ώ ώ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ
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