Einzelne Songs
Sirenia - The Seventh Life Path (Limited Edition) (2015)
vom: 06.02.2016
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Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Notes Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Artist : Sirenia Rating : You Decide! Ί ³ ³Ί Album : The Seventh Life Path Label : Napalm Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΜΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΉ ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Description : Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Sirenia came into existence following Morten Ί ³ ³Ί Veland's departure from Tristania. Much like Ί ³ ³Ί that group early on, this new creation had a Ί ³ ³Ί very dark start to it's initial gothic metal Ί ³ ³Ί soaked material. 2002 saw their debut album At Ί ³ ³Ί Sixes and Sevens drop, garnering plenty of Ί ³ ³Ί praise from fans and critics alike, as did their Ί ³ ³Ί 2004 follow-up An Elixer for Existence. As time Ί ³ ³Ί went on, the band focused more on their Ί ³ ³Ί Symphonic aspect, and not so much it's darker Ί ³ ³Ί presence. Four more full-lengths later, all met Ί ³ ³Ί with mixed reception, and we've now come to the Ί ³ ³Ί band's aptly titled seventh studio album, The Ί ³ ³Ί Seventh Life Path, as well as a return to Napalm Ί ³ ³Ί Records, the label that handled their first two Ί ³ ³Ί efforts. But have they also returned to their Ί ³ ³Ί musical roots, or is this yet another release Ί ³ ³Ί destined to be hit or miss among their fans? Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Well, The Seventh Life Path does stick to what Ί ³ ³Ί the group has been up to lately as far as their Ί ³ ³Ί performances are concerned, wrapping themselves Ί ³ ³Ί up with beautiful performances based largely Ί ³ ³Ί around romance, loss, even mental breakdowns, Ί ³ ³Ί the latter of which is nicely portrayed in the Ί ³ ³Ί powerful music video for "Once My Light". Ί ³ ³Ί Thankfully, considering the aggression found on Ί ³ ³Ί later tracks, this one still retains a bit of Ί ³ ³Ί roughness to the overall output, keeping itself Ί ³ ³Ί from becoming yet another sleek sounding gothic Ί ³ ³Ί metal band to get lost in the crowd of similar Ί ³ ³Ί faces. The guitars have a decent bite thanks to Ί ³ ³Ί the dirtier sounding distortion, not to mention Ί ³ ³Ί superb echo on the cleaner chords, and the bass Ί ³ ³Ί is present well enough with a deep tuning that Ί ³ ³Ί is worth paying attention to when allowed a Ί ³ ³Ί moment to shine through. Sadly, the drums sound Ί ³ ³Ί a bit compressed and tinny at times, which Ί ³ ³Ί doesn't work as nicely as it does for the rest Ί ³ ³Ί of the instruments. Even Ailyn's vocals seem Ί ³ ³Ί weaker at times, as if a there's something heavy Ί ³ ³Ί presenting an obstacle from the full projection Ί ³ ³Ί being captured. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί While the album easily could have been mastered Ί ³ ³Ί better, a lot of the aforementioned elements, Ί ³ ³Ί positive or negatively described, actually makes Ί ³ ³Ί The Seventh Life Path sound genuine by Ί ³ ³Ί accentuating the themes of each song within the Ί ³ ³Ί lyrics and music. "Serpent" has some fairly Ί ³ ³Ί crushing grooves in some of the bridges, as well Ί ³ ³Ί as the infectious chorus with a background Ί ³ ³Ί operatic choir, but the main verse really brings Ί ³ ³Ί Ailyn's singing up a little louder with some Ί ³ ³Ί additional echo, complimenting the slight Ί ³ ³Ί burdening sensation that feels as monolithic as Ί ³ ³Ί the interpretation of said serpent within the Ί ³ ³Ί song. Morten's raspy vocals add to the lizard- Ί ³ ³Ί like quality nicely by sticking to a fairly Ί ³ ³Ί linear pitch one might expect a creature like Ί ³ ³Ί this to have in reality. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί But some of the most impressive material of The Ί ³ ³Ί Seventh Life Path lies in the more aggressive Ί ³ ³Ί compositions about half way through. "Sons of Ί ³ ³Ί the North" introduces this, and it's an Ί ³ ³Ί interesting mixture of Norwegian black metal Ί ³ ³Ί influences intertwined with traditional gothic Ί ³ ³Ί metal. While the latter is kept mostly to the Ί ³ ³Ί chorus, the main verses capture the first of Ί ³ ³Ί those two in a fairly blunt, spirit crushing Ί ³ ³Ί manner that the harshened vocals compliment Ί ³ ³Ί well, not to mention some of the nightmarish Ί ³ ³Ί keyboard and symphonic pieces that appear about Ί ³ ³Ί five minutes in that trudge along in a momentary Ί ³ ³Ί doom metal trance. That blackened touch is Ί ³ ³Ί carried into "Earendal" perfectly, though the Ί ³ ³Ί structuring is about the same other than a Ί ³ ³Ί momentary progressive metal bass line Ί ³ ³Ί approaching two-and-a-half minutes in, as well Ί ³ ³Ί as a Folk angle seemingly influenced by the lore Ί ³ ³Ί and heritage of the band's home country through Ί ³ ³Ί wooden landscapes and gypsy/carnival themes, Ί ³ ³Ί complimenting the sensation of exploration and Ί ³ ³Ί wonder this segment, the guitar solo, and chorus Ί ³ ³Ί easily create. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί "The Silver Eye", however, is easily one of the Ί ³ ³Ί most impressive tracks The Seventh Life Path has Ί ³ ³Ί to offer. The glorious melodies that erupt early Ί ³ ³Ί on are reminiscent of Amon Amarth for a short Ί ³ ³Ί time, eventually weaving together Pagan black Ί ³ ³Ί metal laced with traces of keyboard-driven Ί ³ ³Ί Helloween influenced power metal. It's an Ί ³ ³Ί invigorating, albeit shortlived mixture, that Ί ³ ³Ί gives way to channelling some briefly eccentric Ί ³ ³Ί tones, usually following the heavily Viking- Ί ³ ³Ί fuelled chorus that only helps to amplify the Ί ³ ³Ί already over-the-top piece. But then there's Ί ³ ³Ί "Elixer", which is basically the polar opposite. Ί ³ ³Ί It comes across a combination of traditional Ί ³ ³Ί Goth/Darkwave laced with explosive Moonspell- Ί ³ ³Ί grade performances and a well executed Ί ³ ³Ί Neoclassical guitar solo thrown in for good Ί ³ ³Ί measure. While not the only time it happens, Ί ³ ³Ί this one shows Morten taking over vocal duties Ί ³ ³Ί for most of the track, capturing that B-Horror Ί ³ ³Ί graveyard style atmosphere quite well, even when Ί ³ ³Ί belting out a mixture of rasps and gutturals in Ί ³ ³Ί the chorus. By the time Ailyn briefly chimes in, Ί ³ ³Ί it all feels like some kind of gothic duet Ί ³ ³Ί influenced by the musical The Phantom of the Ί ³ ³Ί Opera. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί There's so much going on within the confines of Ί ³ ³Ί The Seventh Life Path that it's almost Ί ³ ³Ί impossible to compress one's thoughts or Ί ³ ³Ί opinions into a single review without analysing Ί ³ ³Ί pretty much every single track on the recording. Ί ³ ³Ί Sirenia seem to be far more open and creative Ί ³ ³Ί being signed with Napalm Records, as if Morten Ί ³ ³Ί and Ailyn were finally able to realize their Ί ³ ³Ί dream that had been stuck in neutral during Ί ³ ³Ί their time with Nuclear Blast Records. This Ί ³ ³Ί album also appears to have been recorded by the Ί ³ ³Ί band as a whole (according to various articles Ί ³ ³Ί on-line), and not like the prior three albums Ί ³ ³Ί that list the recording members as a duo of the Ί ³ ³Ί two just mentioned by name. Whatever the case Ί ³ ³Ί may be, this new full-length is a powerful Ί ³ ³Ί return to the group's roots, combined with the Ί ³ ³Ί path they've forged for themselves up to this Ί ³ ³Ί point, a sound that those going in expecting a Ί ³ ³Ί light-hearted romantic romp on par with the Ί ³ ³Ί single and music video behind "Once My Light" Ί ³ ³Ί will be surprised at what they find, either for Ί ³ ³Ί the better or the worst. At just under seventy Ί ³ ³Ί minutes of beautiful, crushing music, Sirenia Ί ³ ³Ί stand their strongest thanks to The Seventh Life Ί ³ ³Ί Path, which is easily not only one of the most Ί ³ ³Ί important albums of their career, but also one Ί ³ ³Ί of the most impressive albums 2015 has to offer. Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³Ί Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³Ί Release Tracklist Ί ³ ³ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΚΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ³ ³ ³ ³ 01 - Seti [02:05] ³ ³ 02 - Serpent [06:31] ³ ³ 03 - Once My Light [07:21] ³ ³ 04 - Elixir [05:45] ³ ³ 05 - Sons of the North [08:16] ³ ³ 06 - Earendel [06:14] ³ ³ 07 - Concealed Disdain [06:11] ³ ³ 08 - Insania [06:39] ³ ³ 09 - Contemptuous Quitus [06:29] ³ ³ 10 - The Silver Eye [07:29] ³ ³ 11 - Tragedienne [04:54] ³ ³ 12 - Tragica [04:55] ³ ³ ³ ³ Total Length : [72:49 minn ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ άάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάά ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ³ ³ Ί Greetings To: Ί ³ ³ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ³ ³ ³ ³ Too all people who contributes to make this ³ ³ archive of good music in a exceptional conditions ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ώ ώ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ
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