Einzelne Songs
Thin Lizzy - Fighting (1975, Deluxe, Remastered) (2012)
vom: 21.02.2016
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Thin_Lizzy-Fighting-(Remastered_Deluxe_Edition)-2CD-2012-ERP [img(width=316 height=60)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img] [img(width=275 height=86)]links/images/zslogo.png[/img]
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Rosalie 2:58 02. For Those Who Love To Live 3:09 03. Suicide 5:14 04. Wild One 4:19 05. Fighting My Way Back 3:13 06. King's Vengeance 4:08 07. Spirit Slips Away 4:42 08. Silver Dollar 3:29 09. Freedom Song 3:33 10. Ballad Of A Hard Man 3:18 CD 2/2 01. Half Caste (B-Side of Rosalie 7" Single) 3:38 02. Rosalie (US Album Mix) 2:56 03. Half Caste (BBC Session 1975) 3:52 04. Rosalie (BBC Session 1975) 3:15 05. Suicide (BBC Session 1975) 5:18 06. Ballad Of A Hard Man (False Starts And No Vocal) 4:08 07. Try A Little Harder (Alternate Vocal) 4:07 08. Fighting My Way Back (Rough Mix With Alternate Vocal) 3:23 09. Song For Jesse (No Vocal) 2:13 10. Leaving Town (Acoustic, Bass & Drums, No Vocal) 4:51 11. Blues Boy 4:34 12. Leaving Town (Extended Take) 5:52 13. Spirit Slips Away (Extended Version, Take 4) 5:30 14. Wild One (No Vocal) 4:18 15. Bryan's Funky Fazer (Silver Dollar) 3:37 кФФФФФФФФП ФФФФ´ Notes УФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ РФФФФФФФФй Despite a huge hit single in the mid-70s ('The Boys Are Back In Town') and becoming a popular act with hard rock/heavy metal fans, Thin Lizzy are still, in the pantheon of 70s rock bands, underappreciated. Formed in the late 60s by Irish singer/songwriter/bassist Phil Lynott, Lizzy, though not the first band to do so, combined romanticized working-class sentiments with their ferocious, twin-lead guitar attack. As the band's creative force, Lynott was a more insightful and intelligent writer than many of his ilk, preferring slice-of-life working-class dramas of love and hate influenced by Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, and virtually all of the Irish literary tradition. Also, as a black man, Lynott was an anomaly in the nearly all-white world of hard rock, and as such imbued much of his work with a sense of alienation; he was the outsider, the romantic guy from the other side of the tracks, a self-styled poet of the lovelorn and downtrodden. His sweeping vision and writerly impulses at times gave way to pretentious songs aspiring to clichщd notions of literary significance, but Lynott's limitless charisma made even the most misguided moments worth hearing. It's hard not to interpret the 'fighting my way back' chorus of the title track on Thin Lizzy's fifth album "Fighting" as the band's way of bouncing back from the uncommonly subdued "Night Life". If that record was smooth and relaxed, "Fighting" is a tense, coiled, vicious rock & roll album, as hard as Vagabonds's toughest moments but more accomplished, the sound of a band truly coming into its own. There are two key forces at work. First, there's the integration of guitarists Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson, who get to unleash furious playing on every track here. It's hard not to thrill at their harmonizing twin-lead interplay, which is enough to excuse the rather pedestrian nature of their original tunes here (Robertson penned the boogie "Silver Dollar," Gorham the closer 'Ballad Of A Hard Man'). That's especially true because of the other development here: the full flourishing of Phil Lynott as a rock & roll poet. Whether he's writing hard-charging rockers like "Wild One", jazzy Springsteen-isms of "For Those Who Love To Live" or combining both on "Freedom Song," his songs manage to be both mythic and commonplace, and when delivered by the vital, visceral lineup he has here, they're invigorating. Strangely enough, that leap forward as a writer is somewhat overshadowed by a triumph of the band, in how they completely steal Bob Seger's "Rosalie" turning it into their own anthem, but that again is a testament to the strength of this incarnation of Thin Lizzy, who truly begin their classic era with this dynamic LP. кФФФФФФФФП ФФФФ´ Group УФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ РФФФФФФФФй We the kings of rock.
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