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 Funk Johnny „Guitar“ Watson (* 3. Februar 1935 in Houston, Texas; † 17. Mai 1996 in Yokohama, Japan) war ein einflussreicher US-amerikanischer Blues-, Soul- und Funk-Musiker der 1950er- bis 1990er-Jahre. Watson hatte erheblichen Einfluss auf andere Größen der Rock- und Popmusik. Legendär ist die Antizipation des Gitarrenspiels per Mund, die Jimi Hendrix ein Jahrzehnt später zu seinem Markenzeichen perfektionierte. Manche seiner Alben (insbesondere Johnny Guitar Watson And The Family Clone) spielte Watson nahezu vollständig im Alleingang ein. Dem in dieser Hinsicht ähnlich vielseitigen Frank Zappa freundschaftlich verbunden, gastierte er auf dessen Alben One Size Fits All und Them or Us. Zappa gab an, dass das Watson-Stück Three Hours Past Midnight ihn inspiriert habe, Gitarrist zu werden.[1] Etliche der Songs von Johnny „Guitar“ Watson dienten später der Hiphop-Szene als Sample-Vorlagen. 1996 erhielt er gemeinsam mit Bo Diddley, Bobby Womack und den Isley Brothers den Pioneer Award der Rhythm & Blues Foundation. In 1978, Johnny "Guitar" Watson's backup band decided to record a project as the Watsonian Institute. Master Funk is the only LP that was released under that name, and for all intents and purposes, this is very much a Johnny "Guitar" Watson album. In addition to doing all of the producing and arranging, the late singer/guitarist wrote most of the material and contributed his share of lead vocals. So not surprisingly, his stamp is all over Master Funk. The main difference between this record and the hit albums that Watson had been recording under his own name in the 1970s is the fact that this release has a stronger jazz influence. While 1976's Ain't That a Bitch, 1977's A Real Mother for Ya, and 1977's Funk Beyond the Call of Duty are funk/soul albums first and foremost, Master Funk is an album in which funk, soul, and soul-jazz live under the same roof. Instrumentals like "Dr. John's Delight" and "Coming Around" are in the soul-jazz vein, and the jazz influence is also present on some of the tunes that Watson sings on. Master Funk is generally decent, but it's uneven, and it's an album that simmers without really catching fire. This vinyl LP wasn't among Watson's big sellers of the 1970s and is far from essential, although it's a fairly interesting listen if you're among his truly hardcore fans. The Institute 4:08 Master Funk 4:40 The Funk If I Know 4:00 Lady Voo Doo 4:44 De John's Delight 3:00 Coming Around 4:00 Virginia's Pretty Funky 4:55
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