Einzelne Songs
Acylum - Zuchthaus (Limited Edition) (2024)
vom: 12.05.2024
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[center][b]Acylum-Zuchthaus-Limited_Edition-2CD-2024-FWYH[/b] [img(width=500 height=500)][/img] [img(width=250 height=50)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img][/center]
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TRACK ùùùùùùùùù TiME: ß²Û² °Û± ________________________________________________________________ ±Û° °Û± ³ CD1-Zuchthaus ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± 01³ Oder Tod ³ 04:36 ±Û° °Û± 02³ Gulag - Kalashnikov ³ 04:24 ±Û° °Û± 03³ Bones ³ 04:29 ±Û° °Û± 04³ Gabriel ³ 05:04 ±Û° °Û± 05³ Gleichschaltung ³ 04:01 ±Û° °Û± 06³ Mental Health ³ 03:59 ±Û° °Û± 07³ Fleisch ³ 05:41 ±Û° °Û± 08³ 1000 Meilen ³ 04:49 ±Û° °Û± 09³ Zuchthaus ³ 03:37 ±Û° °Û± 10³ Tears Of Blood ³ 04:25 ±Û° °Û± 11³ Havamal (Feat. Skirnisfoer) ³ 04:18 ±Û° °Û± 12³ Oder Tod (Supreme Court Remix) ³ 05:07 ±Û° °Û± 13³ Gulag - Kalashnikov (-Wumpscut- Remix) ³ 03:43 ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ CD2-Schlachthaus ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± 01³ Oder Tod (Project Erratic Remix) ³ 04:18 ±Û° °Û± 02³ Mental Health (Diffuzion Remix) ³ 04:11 ±Û° °Û± 03³ Mental Health (Winterhart Remix) ³ 04:01 ±Û° °Û± 04³ Bones (Rroyce Remix) ³ 03:51 ±Û° °Û± 05³ Oder Tod (Say Just Words Remix) ³ 04:51 ±Û° °Û± 06³ Oder Tod (Blood Cut by Human Vault) ³ 03:58 ±Û° °Û± 07³ Venom (Alien-Nation Remix) ³ 04:12 ±Û° °Û± 08³ Oder Tod (Darkness On Demand Remix) ³ 03:41 ±Û° °Û± 09³ Oder Tod (Dyskolia Remix) ³ 04:34 ±Û° °Û± 10³ Tears Of Blood (Project Erratic Remix) ³ 05:48 ±Û° °Û± 11³ Bones (Neikka RPM Remix) ³ 03:35 ±Û° °Û± 12³ Oder Tod (Deadly Injection Remix) ³ 04:36 ±Û° °Û± 13³ Mental Health (Studio-X Remix) ³ 03:53 ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ _____ ±Û° °Û² ³ TOTAL PLAYTiME (MiN):³113:42 ²Û° ±ÛÛÜ ÜÛÛ± ܲ²Û²±°Û²ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜܲ۰±²Û²²Ü ß²Û²ß [RELEASENOTES] ß²Û²ß ±Û² ùùùùùùùùù ²Û± °Û± ±Û° °Û± The initial release of the album emerges as a limited 2CD digipak ±Û° °Û± edition, featuring remixes by formidable bands including ±Û° °Û± :WUMPSCUT:, SUPREME COURT, DIFFUZION, DARKNESS ON DEMAND, RROYCE, ±Û° °Û± ALIEN:NATION and many more! The cacophony of darkness awaits. ±Û° °Û± ±Û° °Û± The sulphurous German duo, Nadine and Pedro Engel, unleash their ±Û° °Û± latest masterpiece - "Zuchthaus," a full-length album that ±Û° °Û± embodies darkness in its rawest form. With the unapologetic ±Û° °Û± rallying cry "Fight! Victory or Death," ACYLUM thrusts us back ±Û° °Û± onto the merciless battlegrounds, where the echoes of war persist ±Û° °Û± eternally. Humanity, it seems, remains blind to its own follies, ±Û° °Û± perpetuating a cycle of chaos. ACYLUM's trademark confrontational ±Û° °Û± stance immerses us in the unbearable ambiance of the Cold War, ±Û° °Û± gulags, murders, massacres, betrayals, madness, and unrelenting ±Û° °Û± misery. ±Û° °Û± ±Û° °Û± This is undeniably ACYLUM's most sombre and despair-ridden album ±Û° °Û± to date. The tone plunges to profound depths of tragedy, the ±Û° °Û± beats resound with martial heaviness, the music emanates noir ±Û° °Û± coldness, vocals are aggressively charged with emotion, and the ±Û° °Û± atmosphere lingers in profound sadness. ACYLUM's potent and ±Û° °Û± sinister sound seizes you, gripping your throat and suffocating ±Û° °Û± you with its oppressive industrial noise sequences, fortified by ±Û° °Û± bombastic orchestrations and sense-inflicting vocal sample ±Û° °Û± manipulations. A mystical touch of Nordic mythology also looms ±Û° °Û± ominously in the background. ±Û° °Û± ±Û° °Û± Despite the darkness, ACYLUM's unique songwriting alchemy ±Û° °Û± transforms these harsh electro-dark tunes into addictive melodic ±Û° °Û± anthems from the underworld. Tracks like "Gabriel" and "1000 ±Û° °Û± Meilen" introduce slower, melancholic moments, evoking the ±Û° °Û± haunting sound of their TOTEM OBSCURA side-project. ±Û° °Û± ±Û° °Û± Let the parade of fools commence... ±Û° ±ÛÛÜ ÜÛÛ± ÜÛÛ²ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²ÛÛÜ Üß ²±Û²²Û±ßßßßßß [GROUPNOTES] ßßßßßß±Û²²Û±² ßÜ ° ÜÛÛÛÛ²° ùùùùùùùùùù °²ÛÛÛÛÜ ° ° ÜÛÛ±ÛÛ°° °°ÛÛ±ÛÛÜ ° Üß ²Û±° FWYH : FUCK WHAT YOU HEARD, We're all about Family °±Û² ßÜ ²Û²° Dedication, Quality, Respect & LOVE for the music! °²Û² ²Û²° As the years pass, all our motives and objectives °²Û² ²Û²° remain,we want to give the best of dark electronic °²Û² ²Û²° genres,with the quality deserved for the only true °²Û² ²Û²° underground scene, the Future is these genres!!!!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° To all the artists that we release, some newcomers °²Û² ²Û²° & other established acts: We are sorry if you dont °²Û² ²Û²° understand the promotion we do, of your own work, °²Û² ²Û²° but if you make quality music, we are pretty sure °²Û² ²Û²° that a lot of people will spend their own money on °²Û² ²Û²° your art. Our intention isn't to spread for the °²Û² ²Û²° masses, but just to promote good music, so all we °²Û² ²Û²° can ask is an apologize for any misunderstanding!! °²Û² ²Û²° You People deserve all our respect and attention!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° __________________________________________________ °²Û² ²Û²° ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù [GREETS] ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° And finally, greets to all FWYH guys and their own °²Û² ²Û²° families, takes time and patience to go along with °²Û² ²Û²° all of this, so the warmest greets are to them!!!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° We Prop the few people & crews that have been with °²Û² ²Û²° us over the years,unfortunately they are lesser by °²Û² ²Û²° the day. KEEP FIGHTING & KEEP TRUTHFUL!!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² Ü°²ÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛ²°Ü °ß ÜÜÛÛÛ±°ÛÛÛÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÛÛÛ°±ÛÛÛÜÜ ß° ÜÛÛÛßßÛ²±±ÛÛßßß ßßßÛÛ±±²ÛßßÛÛÛÜ ßÛ²ÛÛ ASCii By AyLieN OF CHEMICAL REACTiON 2oo2! ÛÛ²Ûß ÛÛÛÛ Updated on 03-2015 ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ FWYH : in Joint-Stereo forces ÛÛÛ ÛÛÜ with FLAC1.2.1 ÜÛÛ ÛÛ Alive since 2001 ÛÛ ÛÜ ÜÛ +=======================================================+===============+ | Dateiname | Korr. Bitrate | +=======================================================+===============+ | 101_acylum-oder_tod.mp3 | 271 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 102_acylum-gulag_-_kalashnikov.mp3 | 272 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 103_acylum-bones.mp3 | 267 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 104_acylum-gabriel.mp3 | 272 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 105_acylum-gleichschaltung.mp3 | 278 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 106_acylum-mental_health.mp3 | 276 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 107_acylum-fleisch.mp3 | 261 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 108_acylum-1000_meilen.mp3 | 271 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 109_acylum-zuchthaus.mp3 | 267 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 110_acylum-tears_of_blood.mp3 | 273 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 111_acylum-havamal_(feat._skirnisfoer).mp3 | 166 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 112_acylum-oder_tod_(supreme_court_remix).mp3 | 260 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 113_acylum-gulag_-_kalashnikov_(-wumpscut-_remix).mp3 | 252 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 201_acylum-oder_tod_(project_erratic_remix).mp3 | 255 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 202_acylum-mental_health_(diffuzion_remix).mp3 | 267 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 203_acylum-mental_health_(winterhart_remix).mp3 | 261 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 204_acylum-bones_(rroyce_remix).mp3 | 250 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 205_acylum-oder_tod_(say_just_words_remix).mp3 | 256 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 206_acylum-oder_tod_(blood_cut_by_human_vault).mp3 | 268 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 207_acylum-venom_(alien-nation_remix).mp3 | 267 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 208_acylum-oder_tod_(darkness_on_demand_remix).mp3 | 258 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 209_acylum-oder_tod_(dyskolia_remix).mp3 | 252 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 210_acylum-tears_of_blood_(project_erratic_remix).mp3 | 280 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 211_acylum-bones_(neikka_rpm_remix).mp3 | 258 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 212_acylum-oder_tod_(deadly_injection_remix).mp3 | 250 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 213_acylum-mental_health_(studio-x_remix).mp3 | 268 | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+
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