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Synapsyche - Anti (Limited Edition) (2024)
vom: 12.05.2024
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[center][b]Synapsyche-Anti-Limited_Edition-2CD-2024-FWYH[/b] [img(width=500 height=500)][/img] [img(width=250 height=50)]links/images/splogo.jpg[/img][/center]
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TRACK ùùùùùùùùù TiME: ß²Û² °Û± ________________________________________________________________ ±Û° °Û± ³ CD1-Anti ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± 01³ Superstition Descending ³ 01:55 ±Û° °Û± 02³ God In Vitro ³ 04:53 ±Û° °Û± 03³ Silvertongue (Feat. Aesthetic Perfection) ³ 03:46 ±Û° °Û± 04³ Anti Manifesto ³ 05:07 ±Û° °Û± 05³ The Icon Of Me ³ 05:18 ±Û° °Û± 06³ Ladysinner (The Devil Wears Nothing) ³ 04:03 ±Û° °Û± 07³ Deus Est Machina ³ 04:45 ±Û° °Û± 08³ Dolorosa ³ 04:32 ±Û° °Û± 09³ O, Brother! ³ 04:52 ±Û° °Û± 10³ Shamefully Yours ³ 05:10 ±Û° °Û± 11³ The Last Dying Flame ³ 03:39 ±Û° °Û± ³ (Feat.Chris Harms from Lord Of The Lost) ³ ±Û° °Û± 12³ Psyche Ascending ³ 02:11 ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ CD2-Apocryphal Psalms ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± 01³ Silvertongue (Graveless Version) ³ 03:46 ±Û° °Û± 02³ Too Late (The First Dying Version) ³ 05:23 ±Û° °Û± 03³ God In Vitro (Misssuicide Remix) ³ 05:22 ±Û° °Û± 04³ Silvertongue (Gold Remix by Fragilechild) ³ 06:47 ±Û° °Û± 05³ The Last Dying Flame (Acylum Remix) ³ 03:46 ±Û° °Û± 06³ God In Vitro (Zeitgeist2511 Remix) ³ 05:00 ±Û° °Û± 07³ Silvertongue (Darkness On Demand Remix) ³ 03:38 ±Û° °Û± 08³ The Last Dying Flame (Lovelorn Dolls Remix) ³ 03:27 ±Û° °Û± 09³ God In Vitro (Statik Sekt Remix) ³ 05:25 ±Û° °Û± 10³ Silvertongue (Matt Hart Remix) ³ 04:00 ±Û° °Û± 11³ The Last Dying Flame (Aiboforcen Remix) ³ 04:05 ±Û° °Û± 12³ Anti Manifesto (Dilatory Destruction Remix) ³ 04:59 ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ ±Û° °Û± ³ ³ _____ ±Û° °Û² ³ TOTAL PLAYTiME (MiN):³105:49 ²Û° ±ÛÛÜ ÜÛÛ± ܲ²Û²±°Û²ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜܲ۰±²Û²²Ü ß²Û²ß [RELEASENOTES] ß²Û²ß ±Û² ùùùùùùùùù ²Û± °Û± ±Û° °Û± SYNAPSYCHE's 4th studio album, "Anti," takes you on an intense ±Û° °Û± journey through 12 tracks of melodic dark elektro / industrial ±Û° °Û± pop. This conceptual release delves into the rebellious odyssey ±Û° °Û± of a 21st-century-born Messiah, diverging from the path of Jesus ±Û° °Û± Christ. Each song carries a double meaning, touching on ±Û° °Û± provocative themes such as euthanasia, betrayal, adultery, ±Û° °Û± feminism, love's demise, and occultism a la Lavey/Crowley. ±Û° °Û± ±Û° °Û± The Italian duo skilfully guides listeners through a blasphemous ±Û° °Û± sonic experience, narrating the unconventional saga of their ±Û° °Û± "Anti"-hero. "Anti" showcases SYNAPSYCHE's mastery, seamlessly ±Û° °Û± blending opposites - distorted darkness with ecstatic grooves, ±Û° °Û± catchy melodies with incisive assaults. With 12 hard-hitting ±Û° °Û± tracks, the album features a vocal guest appearance by AESTHETIC ±Û° °Û± PERFECTION and LORD OF THE LOST on "Silvertongue" and "The Last ±Û° °Û± dying Flame," respectively, both also contributing to this ±Û° °Û± delicious clash of harsh devilish growls with heavenly future pop ±Û° °Û± choruses. ±Û° °Û± ±Û° °Û± In this magnum opus, SYNAPSYCHE exudes majesty, elegance, and ±Û° °Û± might, mirroring their "Anti-hero". Their sound identity spans ±Û° °Û± dark-electro to synthpop, industrial to EBM, aggrotech to techno, ±Û° °Û± appealing to fans of VNV NATION, COMBICHRIST, SOLAR FAKE, ±Û° °Û± FADERHEAD, GRENDEL, and more. ±Û° °Û± ±Û° °Û± The limited edition 2CD digipak of the album includes a lush ±Û° °Û± booklet artwork and an exclusive bonus CD, "Apocryphal Psalms," ±Û° °Û± featuring unique versions and remixes by artists such as DARKNESS ±Û° °Û± ON DEMAND, LOVELORN DOLLS, AIBOFORCEN, ACYLUM, MISS SUICIDE, ±Û° °Û± FRAGILE CHILD, ZEITGEIST2511, STATIK SEKT, MATT HART, DILATORY ±Û° °Û± DESTRUCTION... ±Û° ±ÛÛÜ ÜÛÛ± ÜÛÛ²ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²ÛÛÜ Üß ²±Û²²Û±ßßßßßß [GROUPNOTES] ßßßßßß±Û²²Û±² ßÜ ° ÜÛÛÛÛ²° ùùùùùùùùùù °²ÛÛÛÛÜ ° ° ÜÛÛ±ÛÛ°° °°ÛÛ±ÛÛÜ ° Üß ²Û±° FWYH : FUCK WHAT YOU HEARD, We're all about Family °±Û² ßÜ ²Û²° Dedication, Quality, Respect & LOVE for the music! °²Û² ²Û²° As the years pass, all our motives and objectives °²Û² ²Û²° remain,we want to give the best of dark electronic °²Û² ²Û²° genres,with the quality deserved for the only true °²Û² ²Û²° underground scene, the Future is these genres!!!!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° To all the artists that we release, some newcomers °²Û² ²Û²° & other established acts: We are sorry if you dont °²Û² ²Û²° understand the promotion we do, of your own work, °²Û² ²Û²° but if you make quality music, we are pretty sure °²Û² ²Û²° that a lot of people will spend their own money on °²Û² ²Û²° your art. Our intention isn't to spread for the °²Û² ²Û²° masses, but just to promote good music, so all we °²Û² ²Û²° can ask is an apologize for any misunderstanding!! °²Û² ²Û²° You People deserve all our respect and attention!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° __________________________________________________ °²Û² ²Û²° ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù [GREETS] ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° And finally, greets to all FWYH guys and their own °²Û² ²Û²° families, takes time and patience to go along with °²Û² ²Û²° all of this, so the warmest greets are to them!!!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² ²Û²° We Prop the few people & crews that have been with °²Û² ²Û²° us over the years,unfortunately they are lesser by °²Û² ²Û²° the day. KEEP FIGHTING & KEEP TRUTHFUL!!! °²Û² ²Û²° °²Û² Ü°²ÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛ²°Ü °ß ÜÜÛÛÛ±°ÛÛÛÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜÛÛÛ°±ÛÛÛÜÜ ß° ÜÛÛÛßßÛ²±±ÛÛßßß ßßßÛÛ±±²ÛßßÛÛÛÜ ßÛ²ÛÛ ASCii By AyLieN OF CHEMICAL REACTiON 2oo2! ÛÛ²Ûß ÛÛÛÛ Updated on 03-2015 ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ FWYH : in Joint-Stereo forces ÛÛÛ ÛÛÜ with FLAC1.2.1 ÜÛÛ ÛÛ Alive since 2001 ÛÛ ÛÜ ÜÛ +==================================================================================+===============+ | Dateiname | Korr. Bitrate | +==================================================================================+===============+ | 101_synapsyche-superstition_descending.mp3 | 127 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 102_synapsyche-god_in_vitro.mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 103_synapsyche-silvertongue_(feat._aesthetic_perfection).mp3 | 135 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 104_synapsyche-anti_manifesto.mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 105_synapsyche-the_icon_of_me.mp3 | 129 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 106_synapsyche-ladysinner_(the_devil_wears_nothing).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 107_synapsyche-deus_est_machina.mp3 | 129 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 108_synapsyche-dolorosa.mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 109_synapsyche-o_brother.mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 110_synapsyche-shamefully_yours.mp3 | 128 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 111_synapsyche-the_last_dying_flame_(feat.chris_harms_from_lord_of_the_lost).mp3 | 129 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 112_synapsyche-psyche_ascending.mp3 | 128 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 201_synapsyche-silvertongue_(graveless_version).mp3 | 148 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 202_synapsyche-too_late_(the_first_dying_version).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 203_synapsyche-god_in_vitro_(misssuicide_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 204_synapsyche-silvertongue_(gold_remix_by_fragilechild).mp3 | 136 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 205_synapsyche-the_last_dying_flame_(acylum_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 206_synapsyche-god_in_vitro_(zeitgeist2511_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 207_synapsyche-silvertongue_(darkness_on_demand_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 208_synapsyche-the_last_dying_flame_(lovelorn_dolls_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 209_synapsyche-god_in_vitro_(statik_sekt_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 210_synapsyche-silvertongue_(matt_hart_remix).mp3 | 152 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 211_synapsyche-the_last_dying_flame_(aiboforcen_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | 212_synapsyche-anti_manifesto_(dilatory_destruction_remix).mp3 | 132 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+
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