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  1. Read rules & tips (or know them well!).

  2. Upload file(s).

  3. Enter download URL(s).

  4. "Report new Upload" (button).

  5. Done. Upload will be reviewed by the team and released soon.
Rules & tips:

Please read carefully:

FAQ 1u - What are the rules for adding a new upload?

FAQ 3u - How to report a new upload to the User-Uploads?

Name of upload:
Exact search string

"PET SHOP BOYS - ultimate (2010)" will be "Pet Shop Boys - Ultimate (2010)"
"Xxiv" will be "XXIV"

Adapt year:
"Interpret - Year - Album"or
"Interpret - (Year) - Album"or
"Interpret - [Year] - Album"
will be
"Interpret - Album (Year)"

Please enter in this format only:
for albums (one Interpret): Interpret - Album (Allowed Infos) (Release Year)
for compilations (several Interprets, without VA):
Album (Allowed Infos) (Release Year)

Also see FAQ 3u - Name of upload

  (No downloadlinks!)

Formatting tags must not overlap!



cool :-( :smile: :hmm: :snief: :D :-) :rauch:

Compulsory: Add
- for Charts, Albums, EPs, Maxis or Compilations a tracklist in text form and
- for flac-audio the content of the audiochecker logfile!
Appreciated: Add
- for mp3-audio the bitrate it is coded with and, if deviating, the internal one.
(All of that could be placed in the following NFO field instead.)

You can also insert pictures - it's appreciated, see FAQ 5u - May I include pictures / covers?

  (No downloadlinks!)
If available, insert the content of an .nfo-file here.
Download URL(s):

Mirror 1 URL(s)
Mirror 2 URL(s)
Backup URL(s)
Enter your download link(s) here.
In case you have mirrors [alternative Download URL(s)], enter these in the mirror fields.
Please do not enter the part 2 of your primary upload in a mirror field, but instead click:

(In case of a multi-part upload, just simply add input fields.)
Attention: Insert all URLs with "http://".
Public name: (Max. 15 characters.)
Free choice of an uploader name to be displayed on the download page (optional).
Permitted characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + (plus), _ (underline), - (hyphen) and space.
Contact (board):
Your CannaPower board nickname to contact you, if something is wrong with your upload (optional, not shown to the public - only visible for moderators. Don't enter an email address!).
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